A message from the Chairman

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our members visiting the Armourers Branch 1366 website.   

The function of the Royal Air Forces Association Armourers Branch 1366 is to and I quote the Object of the Association:   

“The object for which the Association is established is to promote, through the comradeship engendered by its members, the welfare by charitable means of all serving and former members of Our Air Forces, their spouses and dependents, together with the widows and widowers and dependents of those who died whilst serving or subsequently.   

The “Object” means we will do our very best to help you, your spouse and your dependants in your time of need.     

We have a team which is dedicated to our members and the wider RAF Community, who are keen to help in any way they can, so if you are in need of our assistance or have a question, please do not hesitate to get in contact.  You can find our details on the Contact Us page. 

The Armourers Branch is a charity in its own right, Charity Number 1186859.  It has the might of the Royal Air Forces Association and the RAF Benevolent Fund behind everything that is done.  The Committee is accountable and we must act in the charity’s best interest therefore, the decisions we make and the way we use funds has to be carefully considered to ensure we follow Charity Commission guidelines.  A difficult task at times but it is essential for us to manage our resources responsibly.    

It is your Branch if you can help us to improve our website, or Facebook pages or anything else we would love to hear your feedback, good or bad.   

Join us, help us or support the Armourers brotherhood, you will always be welcome  

Take care and be safe 

Martin Taff Turner  


Royal Air Forces Association  

Armourers Branch 1366